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Welcome! To my Website!

hihi im yawns!! im chimera vtuber straight from hell!!! or at least what you consider hell i guess, its actually really nice here! weve got oceans and deserts and forests and a bunch of really cool plants and stuff!! i live down in the lowers, in my own little house, i can actually walk to the ocean!!! though thats actually probably a bad idea bc itd take like three quarters of a tide cycle to get there, so i usually just take my atv there, its really pretty during low tide bc the water goes down and you can see all the cool glass patterns that formed on top of the sand. i like stomping all over it and hearing it crunch. its not actually glass though, but its clear and comes from sand so everyone just calls it glass. has something to do with the ocean water reacting with the sand.

but anyways!! i hope to see you at my streams!!!

copyright 10000 BCE - one minute from now by yarnedyawns. all rights and wrongs reserved.